Friday 31 August 2012


And she's still not started blogging properly - too busy spreading opinions in 140 characters or less! Ditching the politics soon to concentrate on my degree which is more important for me over the next two years and in the long run. Yes I'll always care and it may not be as easy to turn my back on as I keep trying to but I'm afraid I can't do it all especially trying to raise my kids on my own. Bit sick of the glass ceilings everywhere tbh, will still help those trying to smash their way through though! xx

Monday 28 November 2011

I should be asleep!

So whaddayaknow, still haven't posted anything worthwhile! It's all about time really and there really aren't enough hours in the day, week, month, year to infinity... when you've got two gorgeous little'uns, a house to keep and a degree (which I'm thoroughly enjoying btw) to try and keep up with. Then of course there's my beloved twitter addiction but hey such is life.

I will eventually post my life story so far but for now my 40th year is fast approaching and I want some whacky or just normal suggestions please on how I can celebrate throughout the year - time and cost permitting as per usual :-)

So, it's over to you...